In my quest to discuss my system with people from many different beliefs and mindsets, I have found that many do not understand the danger of technology.

Most cannot see that we need to change our global system now!

I strongly believe that we do not have the luxury of 50 to 100 years for this.
As technology advances the  power of  the individual wielding it increases drastically. Many still  have the  french revolution in their heads and think if the population rises that they have the "military" power to overthrow any regime.

I'm sorry to say this but those times are over.

Take Syria for example:

They got fed up with their leech of a ruler. Removing real leeches is a natural behavior, if one discovers one and can feel it sucking away blood and energy.
One removes it or asks someone to remove it.
So they tried to get rid of their leech, we all can see what happened:
The ruler wouldn't abdicate, because human leeches don't just do that.
Which lead to a war between the population and their leech.
This was seen by other factions as weakness and all of them are now trying to get themselves a slice of Syria. The communist faction wants to keep the leech in place so they can trade cheap. The democratic faction wants to spread their corrupt democracy there to get resources cheap. Then there is the Islamic faction that wants to rule the country with religion and get resources cheap and the kurds that have been roped into it with a hollow promise to get some land.

What I have described will happen in variations to every country where the population thinks it can change its leech (dictator) or leeches (oligarchy / 1% /shadow gov....) by force. I'm not saying that it is impossible but it comes at a huge cost. Whole countries are destroyed in the process just so other countries can fight over who corrupts it next.

And this was just an underdeveloped country. Now imagine the Syrian leech commanding drones that can kill from very far away. Has a spying network that knows pretty much what every single person in the population is doing.
Combined with an AI that filters out anyone that looks like they form a group to overthrow those in power.

Imagine the weapons that are hidden and future weapons:
Microwave weapons that kill you through walls without leaving a trace.
Fly sized drones that get through tiny gaps and poison their targets.
Cars with operating systems that can be hacked/rigged to get people into fatal accidents. Satellites that shoot you from a distance you can't even reach.

Imagine a leech commanding these.

What are the rebels with their molotov cocktails, kitchen-knives, pistols and machiene-guns gonna do about that?

Nothing, they will die silently without anyone noticing or secret services will let them do some damage so that what happened can be used for propaganda.

We live in an age where technology already has the power to doom us all.
The longer we wait the less likely there will be change.

Soon the only way to bring change will be to watch how a country falls apart completely. OR a whole country will have to scarifice their lives and homes and destroy the whole country to remove corruption. The problem with watching is that countries tend to invade other countries to be able to sustain their corruption. Just look at our superpowers and how they operate, they need to steal others resources just to be able to function. Wars are a waste of time and resources, together with the polution and destruction of nature we have created the sixth mass extiction event. Instead of playing war we need to clean the plastic out of the ocean and create sustainable countries and products.

If nothing is done the oceans ecosystem will break and humanity will perish before becoming space faring civilization.

This is why we all need to put our heads together to form a new system with everyone.

History has shown over and over that if a system is half baked and thus corrupted over time, a countries population or other country will change that system.
The system changed is thus pretty much always accompanied with destruction and deaths. If a system was slowly changed it's often accompanied with poverty and a dysfunctional political system. Sure there are some examples where it has worked out but this is in my opinion only a temporary thing. In 5 to 10 generations non of the suffering their predecessors had will be felt by that population. They will become lazy and be accustomed to peace, leaving all doors open for their current system to get corrupted by those that want power by any means.

But then technology will have advanced to a level where there is no going back.
It will either be used to enslave us for the rest of humanities existence, reset humanity to only a handful to repeat the same cycle of idiocy, or extinct us as a species.

The only way I can imagine everything working out for humanity is if we start working together. For that we need a platform to work together on and with.
It cannot just be done with the 99%. It needs to include the 1%, all the different countries and factions. Many discussions will need to be held and compromises will need to be made on every end.

I don't even believe that my system is the answer:
I believe that if I can get everyone working on it that it will be the answer.
The system has the right direction, it's born from my heart and desire for humanity to find a way to work together. In a way where all the factions keep their traditions, mentality and perspective.

I want for humanity unity without sacrificing individuality.

If you have read this and you somewhat agree:
Please work on change!

The longer we wait the harder it will get.

It doesn't have to be my system but work on change in your own way!

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