The system consists of different parts that work together as one complex system.

One part is the Voting System

It is similar to liquid democracy, where every vote can be changed at any time. This helps to remove corrupt or incompetent people from their position as fast as possible to minimize the damage. Just having dynamic votes isn't enough. It is common practice in politics worldwide to brainwash the masses into certain beliefs. These practices have created a society of ignorance and greed which is responsible for the sixth man made mass extinction event that we currently experience. The only way to counter this brainwashing is knowledge. Thus there are two ways of voting in the All-System:

Direct Votes: Are limited to topics the users is knowledgeable of.

Passive Votes: Where the user votes through another user that has the needed knowledge.

Passive votes make sure that every voice has an impact, even if the individual is not knowledgable enough to make direct decisions.

People can passively vote through delegates of their choice. The pool is everyone using the system. Thus they will have delegates they truly trust, NOT someone they only know through posters, screens or the hearsay of others.

Another part is Flow, a digital currency used in the all system.

Unlike other digital currencies called cryptos Flow does not waste energy nor does it suffer from market speculations. Flow like the name suggest tries mimicking flowing blood or water. It gains freedom from speculation by using time. One "Coin" has the value of one "hour of simple labor", you can imagine this as one coin is worth one hour of minimum wage in your currency. This creates a currency that has the same value everywhere. Contrary to other monetary systems Flow is available in a scaling fixed amount. It scales and shrinkes with the user-base.

The aBackflow, a simplified version of taxation, forces users to keep the currency flowing between users. Users are spending it for things or users they care about instead of hoarding it.

The all system uses accounts with profiles.

The profile shows that they exist and want to be a genuine part of the system.
A user has full control to do this in an open public or anonymous and private manner.

The All System integrates crowdfunding and donations into user profiles. Donating money thus becomes as easy as giving it to someone personally. This allows for a much kinder use of money without corrupt corporations leeching and obstructing users for abitrary reasons.

There are groups to manage any social structure.

A group can be a country, city, company, club, you name it.
Groups are just like user profiles and can be nested into each other:
Country -> State -> City -> City Block -> a Club, a Corporation, a Gathering... A group can be managed in many different ways. To just name a few: A single user can manage a group, the whole userbase can manage a group, the userbase can vote users to manage the group.

Digital Contracts

But just forming groups isn't enough, groups also need structure and to be managed. Conflicts need to be resolved etc. To reinforce this digital contracts are implemented into the system. These contracts bind legally just like our current contracts do but are much easier to use and undestand. Digital contracts will enable smooth trading and are a must for anyone that needs to give or receive a wage.

At the Center of the system:

The system (software and hardware) is created and managed by a group called the Core Developers, which are paid directly by the system and voted into position by the community.
The Core Developers do not just implement what the community decides, they also need to constantly check the code and blueprints for corruption attempts together with the community. Meaning they need to mainly check each other. The source code and blueprints must be completely open and can be checked by everyone at any time.

It is still a work in progress and far from flawless. But the way I imagine it, it is a system that supports kind behavior and creates a network of trust and knowledge, that enables important decisions to be made through the right people. Contrary to our current system that nourishes greed and where decisions are made by those that have taken control through deception and violence.

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