The world we currently live in is on the path of destruction because some gather all the wealth without contributing it back into the social structures that we need to survive. One just needs to take a look at the state of retirement homes and hospitals to see that our current capitalism is cancer to our social structures. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic of 2020 shows us that our current system breaks apart easily when faced with such a threat.

The All System tries to place everyone under one Roof in the hope that humanity starts working together as a whole. Unity through individuality, safety through decentralization. Countries keep their identity and culture. They check on each other for corruption while working together. The more factions with equal power and technology exist the safer the system becomes.

The all system is a digitization of our social structures. It creates a dynamic government that is formed by the whole population, not by some of the population.

There are no more politicians to represent the people, the people represent themselves. Every decision is done by the community as a whole. Not voting is not possible.

I have given it a direction but it is a system that needs to be created by EVERYONE for EVERYONE.

Nothing is fixed everything is up for discussion. I want it to be discussed and seen by as many as possible.

Thus discuss it, share it, rewrite it or take any part you like and create your own work.

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