Our current curencies Purchasing Power imbalance
Leveling out the playfield to create a fair trading evironment

Market manipulation and the resulting power imbalance

The All-System tries to create a fair platform for trading.
Our current market system is full of flaws, not only does a currencies value change through demand, shortage and surplus, they are manipulated by other countries/governments.

Huge amounts of a currency are bought and then sold in big amounts to influence the market value. Then when the value drops and the market is panic selling to not loose more, those that initially have sold their stock/currency will buy back their share plus everyone else's cheaper.
Everyone that knows when a country/bank does this or can read it by analyzing the data rides on "the ripping off the naive" train making millions in the process.
Of course there are much more factors that make the value of a currency/stock change. What I'm trying to say is that pretty much all our current currencies are being manipulated by those in power.

When one takes a good look at the forex and stock market and analyzes how it works and what in our daily life is comparable, one can see that it compares with a family giving their gambling addicted uncle their home, land, money, valuables and even food to make sure they keep their value. I cannot understand why we let gamblers dictate how much our currencies and food is priced.
Maybe the gambling part was not always part of "the market" but to me that is all that is left there. They even trade with livestock that do not exist yet.
This is absolutely insane to me.

I've been thinking a lot about this and the only solution I can think of is creating a currency that is outside the market system. To create such a currency I have decided to back Flow with time. We all have it and there can't be a shortage or surplus of it. It cannot be manipulated by a market.
There are problems expressing value with time of course. But I strongly believe that when we let many people do different tasks. Take the average, create a list and use that as a base to give work a value that is then expressed in Flow aka time.

Let us say I have convinced 100 people to form the prototype community and we have 100 tasks. If each of them does every task, we have 100 data-sets per task to calculate an average from. This is not too hard to accomplish and the more tasks are added and the more data-sets we get the more usable and precise the value of the currency will be. After doing this we can approximate values for physical resources. These will still be subject to the market, this cannot be changed without making rules. But I don't think much regulation of the market is needed when the currency is stable.

Time is the right choice because it does not exist as a physical object but can still be measured very precisely. It creates a constant that can make a stable and fair currency. The only change to the value of Flow I can imagine is when the averages change. Even if the nature of how we work changes completely, there will always be a way to measure efficiency and create an average of it.

I just cannot imagine Flow to be in-stable like our current currencies.

If an outside community wants to trade with the all-system community there are only two options:

They have to adopt the system or a trade needs to be done in wares and services.

There is the option to create official currency exchanges that sell Flow at 1 coin per minimum wage of that country. To receive Flow however one needs an all-system account which makes them a participating party. This means one cannot trade Flow outside the all-system.

Flow could however be traded into other currencies to create an easier adoptation. But this creates other problems:

Countries might change their minimum wage to manipulate that exchange.
To counter this the all-systems exchanges would need to create an average for such countries which then would enable a fair trade again.

Users might try to buy Flow cheap with one countries currency and sell it for more in another countries currency. To counter this the all-system exchanges would be forced to not buy back the Flow, only sell it and users would be strictly forbidden to exchange Flow into other currencies.

One good thing about Flow having different values depending on the currency/minimum wage is that it basically becomes unusable for trade outside the system. Which is a wanted effect, it cannot be part of a strongly fluctuating market if its purpose is to level the play-field and create fair trade between users and factions/countries.

Now the question is why someone would adopt such a currency?
The answer is simple:
It is a very stable and fair currency. In the all-system slavery through difference in value of currency is non existant. The reason the US-Dollar is mainly used for trade worldwide is because it is stable.

Our current monetary system is an abomination, its got more in common with warfare and extortion then with something that is supposed to enable smooth trading.

Even if Flow is not going to be the currency that brings this stability,
we need a currency that isn't bound to something that can easily be manipulated.

If you know something more usable then time or have details that need to be addressed to make time more usable as a currency, I would love your input.

I strongly believe that a digitial currency is the future but as long as that currency can be manipulated it is no different then any currency that we use right now.

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